
Project Description

Berachain is an EVM-compatible Layer 1 blockchain based on Cosmos-SDK. It is built using Polaris EVM, a modular stacking framework designed specifically for Berachain. Compared with traditional Layer 1 blockchains, Berachain has significant differences in its token model and consensus mechanism, as well as its unique ecosystem construction.


In 2023, Berachain completed a $42 million Series A financing led by Polychain Capital, with participation from Hack VC, Shima Capital, Robot Ventures, OKX, etc. This financing brought Berachain's valuation to approximately $420 million, providing financial support and market recognition for its future development. On April 12, 2024, Berachain won another $100 million Series B financing, and the project is currently valued at $1.5 billion.

Project Tokens

Berachain's token system includes three main tokens:

  1. $BERA: Token used as gas fee.

  2. $HONEY: Stablecoin on Berachain, used for transactions and storage of value.

  3. $BGT: A governance token that is non-transferable and cannot be purchased, used by nodes to perform Proof of Liquidity (PoL). $BGT holders can earn rewards by providing liquidity to the ecosystem and participating in lending protocols, thereby increasing their influence in network governance.

Berachain V2 Upgrade

On June 13, Berachain V2 introduced the BeaconKit framework to improve the stability and security of the architecture and consensus mechanism. This version retains the original three-token model and PoL incentive mechanism, and supports a larger TVL (Total Value Locked) by increasing the number of validators and modular design. Berachain V2 also solves some performance bottlenecks in V1, including memory pool management and block space requirements, further improving the overall user experience and ecosystem collaboration.

Thanks for the upgrade. The previous version of the water collection has always been a big problem, so there has been no tutorial. Now this problem has been basically completely solved.

Normal interaction becomes very smooth and silky. This is also a must-do project in 2024. Let's hurry up and do it! Without further ado, let's start the tutorial~

Tutorial Start

Territorial waters

Receive testnet tokens (mainnet requires 0.001ETH balance)

Portal: https://bartio.faucet.berachain.com/

After coming in:

  1. Fill in the ETH address

  2. Click Drip

3. Successful water management

Swap Interaction

Portal: https://bartio.bex.berachain.com

After entering: 1. Connect the wallet 2. Click to add the test network

Click here to go to SWAP

After entering: 1. Enter the amount 2. Select STGUSDC 3. Click Preview 4. Click SWAP

SWAP Success

Minting HONEY Tokens

Portal: https://bartio.honey.berachain.com/#mint

After coming in:

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Select MINT

  3. Enter amount

  4. Click Approve

After the wallet completes the authorization

5. Click MINT, and the right picture will appear, indicating that MINT is successful.

Add HONEY - wBEAR liquidity

Portal: https://bartio.bex.berachain.com/add-liquidity/0xd28d852cbcc68dcec922f6d5c7a8185dbaa104b7

After coming in:

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Input quantity

  3. Select BERA Token

  4. Click Preview

5. Click Approve

6. Click Add

7. Added successfully


Portal: https://bartio.berps.berachain.com/vault

After coming in:

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Click Deposit

  3. Enter amount

  4. Click "Approve"

After the wallet completes the authorization:

  1. Click Deposit

  2. Pledge Success

Deposit Loan

Before depositing coins, let’s exchange some WETH

Portal: https://bartio.bex.berachain.com

After entering: 1. Select WETH or WBTC 2. Click Preview

After the exchange is completed, we come here to deposit coins

Portal: https://bartio.bend.berachain.com/dashboard

After coming in:

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Select the currency you saved (the one you exchanged in the previous step)

Then click Approve, and after the wallet confirms, click Deposit, and the deposit is successful.

Then we return to this interface and click Borrow

After entering 1. Enter the quantity 2. Click Brorrow

Then the loan is successful

Finally, we click here to receive some BGT, which will be used in the next step.

Proxy voting

Portal: https://bartio.station.berachain.com/delegate

After coming in:

  1. Connect wallet

  2. Click Delegate

  3. Select any item

  4. Enter amount

  5. Click to vote

The voting is completed. All interactions are over here. If there are new interactions later, they will be updated in the document.

I wish you all get rich soon~

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