The hot topic in the cryptocurrency circle recently is whether the Ethereum ETF can be passed on July 4. With the approval of the Bitcoin ETF, the approval of the next Ethereum ETF will also be what everyone expects and will be a continuation of the trend.

The recent pullback of Bitcoin and Ethereum is actually not large, and they have been in a volatile trend. Judging from the current market trends, stop-loss signals have appeared at a small level.

Small-level trends will evolve into large-level trends, so the next trend will most likely resume a new round of upward momentum.

As the market trend has reached its current position, the market trends of sectors and individual currencies have clearly been diverging.

This is why, even though the prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum have risen about four times from their lowest point to their current levels, many people are still losing money, and they can't help but wonder whether there will be a bull market next and whether they can get their money back.

I have analyzed in an earlier article that this bull market will most likely be a slow bull market, with rotation among different sectors. The difference from previous bull markets is that it may be difficult for tens of thousands of coins to rise.

This will bring higher requirements to our selection of targets, entry timing, and execution of trading strategies.

If you use the inherent and inertial thinking from the previous bull market, then the next period may be very uncomfortable. If you are not making any profit now, why do you think you will definitely make a profit in the future?

I believe that altcoins are the best investment targets for many people who enter the cryptocurrency circle and want to get rich overnight or make a small investment for a big gain, or even turn their fortunes around. Mainstream coins and ordinary people no longer have any chance based on fundamentals.

Because of this, many people like to go all-in or go all in, leaving no way out for themselves.

As a result, the market did not develop according to expectations. The current situation is very passive. Not to mention those who have no bullets, they can only lie down passively or blindly choose to adjust their positions to chase highs and sell lows. The result of this operation is a dead end.

Those who still have money left are also anxious about whether the currencies they hold will explode in the future or whether they will perform well during the bull market. They have no confidence.

If the target is not selected well, then entering the market now will only lead to greater losses in the future. If it is valuable, then at what position should you enter the market to buy the bottom? How to buy? What to buy?

During the trading process, there will be many practical problems. It is not scary to have problems. When you find problems, you should solve them head on. Then you can avoid them in the next transaction and reduce the probability of losing money.

What we are afraid of is that due to our own understanding of the cryptocurrency world, the cognitive biases in the correct investment thinking and concepts, and the lack of professional skills, we choose to turn a blind eye to problems when we discover them, and we think that we can have better luck next time, and the market conditions will be better, and we can still make the money back. If we think like this, we will definitely end up in an irretrievable situation.

Do we know what the stupidest thing in the world is?

That is, we can endure decades of unhappy life and days, but are unwilling to work hard and spend a year to change ourselves. Do we not understand what it means to invest in ourselves?

You are wasting your life, even though you know in your heart that you have the ability to do something. People can change, the prerequisite is when you are willing to start changing.

The future of the cryptocurrency world is promising. I hope that you and I can continue to get the results we want in this field in a stable and long-term manner. To achieve this result, we must act now.

Just thinking will not produce any results. Only the unity of knowledge and action can achieve success. Reflect and summarize while doing, and keep improving. I believe that the result will not disappoint you and me.

If you don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. I will share the bull market spot planning and contract password for free. #ETHETF #BTCETF $BTC $ETH