#币安合约锦标赛 #AirdropGuide $BTC

Let's talk about rolling positions. How to roll positions? For example, you need to try many times and bear certain losses until you make a big profit. The specific methods are as follows:

1. Accumulate initial funds: for example, you earn 5,000 yuan through part-time work for half a year.

2. Small investment: use 2,000 yuan of it, about 300 US dollars to start investing.

3. High leverage opening: use 10 US dollars each time to open a 100 times leverage position (yes, only 10 US dollars). Before opening a position, determine the market direction according to your own judgment, and don't change your strategy back and forth.

4. Continuous attempts: If you make the wrong judgment fifty times, then stop, go back and continue to accumulate funds, and wait for the market trend to reverse.

5. Trend grasp: If the market direction is consistent with your judgment after losing 20 times, then you only need to wait for the market to rise or fall by more than 1%, and the profit will double.

6. Rolling operation: take out part of the profit and continue high leverage operation. Repeat this several times, and your funds will increase rapidly.

7. Set a goal: Stop rolling after reaching the target profit (such as $5,000 or $10,000) and focus on taking profits.

8. Long-term waiting: Wait for the next obvious market trend (which may take several months), and then repeat the above process with $500.

9. Strictly implement the plan: Adhere to a strict operation plan to avoid being blown up due to greed and impatience.

Bitcoin has several 10% fluctuations per month, and you can use this to achieve high returns. But you must control your operations to avoid the final blowup.