! ! What can we do now? !

! ! What can we do now? !

! ! What can we do now? !

Be cautious and make allocations according to my position allocation suggestions. Don't give up, don't chase high, don't sell spot stocks, and exhaust the main force. Stay patient. If the CPI announced in July is good, everything will come back. Even if it is bad, it will rise again in the fourth quarter. Summarize lessons, review, sort out and optimize your trading system.

At present, the hot money in the market has not increased significantly, and most of the funds seem to be attracted by US stocks. In the field of cryptocurrency, we have not seen new concepts as exciting as the last bull market, such as smart contracts and DeFi, which once made the market crazy. In this round of bull market, in addition to some surprises in the Bitcoin ecosystem, other aspects seem to lack some innovations and highlights.

In addition, the expectation of interest rate cuts is still far away. Interest rate cuts are an effective means to directly increase market liquidity, but this part of the funds may not be released until the second half of the year. Despite this, I am still optimistic about the cryptocurrency market in the second half of the year and even next year.

In the long run, the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency market is often affected by macroeconomic factors. It is expected that the macroeconomic environment will be healthier in the second half of the year and next year, which will have a positive impact on the market.