I heard that layer0 has launched an airdrop,


Congratulations to all the first-class cabin members for being counter-rolled

The famous blind j b writes research reports vc accomplices first-class cabin club was all excited yesterday

Today the official

Little Blue Bird has not been updated, it seems that it has been poured with a basin of cold water and washed thoroughly

Interacting with unisat will get 800u pizza minimum living allowance, and interacting with ordinarys will get 8000U $DOG

And you my friend

Zks, who is still waiting for four years, is finally here, in exchange for a sentence Unfortunately, address is not eligible for the airdrop. L0, who is still waiting for two years, is finally here, in exchange for 0.96

How many studios have been counter-rolled by layer zero in this wave #LayerZero #币安合约锦标赛 #币安上线ZK