Yesterday, the crypto market was bloodbathed, and the contract market was hit by a double explosion of long and short positions again. The total contract of the entire network was liquidated by 488 million US dollars, of which long positions were liquidated by 435 million US dollars and short positions were liquidated by 52.939 million US dollars. More than 190,000 people's funds were wiped out.

In 2024, the contract market frequently experienced liquidations, but the altcoin market was not fun either. The biggest uncertainty was that large platforms would remove currencies at any time. With the so-called supervision of the SEC and the classification of securities, large platforms did not want to find unnecessary troubles, so they would select some currencies for delisting at any time. Delisting currencies will be frequent in the future.

Then another problem that plagues the market is not bad news but the frequent unlocking and cutting of leeks by project parties. OP, ARB, and APT are examples. Therefore, the trend of altcoins is often short-lived, because no one knows which coin will be delisted next. Therefore, the operation of altcoins in 2024 is still mainly based on band operations.

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