#币安合约锦标赛 #币安上线ZK #AirdropGuide

Looking at my friends, they are really hurt by this market. They firmly hold their spot wealth. It is only a matter of time before ETH ETF trading is opened. After the interest rate cut, BTC will reach 100,000 and ETH will reach 8,000.

Think about it, BTC has doubled in price. Are the low-priced spot in your hands your wealth? Don't be scared by a slight decline and run away in a hurry. The decline is an opportunity for you to make up for the loss and let you lower your currency price.

Of course, this also requires a little more for the purple gold in your hands. If the cabin is small and you can't make up for the decline, it will indeed affect the operation. Those who can keep up with the purple gold in the event can follow Brother An to arrange and guide you to operate.

I can't hold the code I want to open to everyone anymore. If you want it, come to Brother An.