ZK has become a rat crossing the street after it went online, and everyone is shouting and beating it. People who bought ZK have become the big victims?

What is the reason?

First of all, there is no problem with this project, background, team, mechanism, etc.

Main reason

High popularity, a big tree attracts the wind.

People who scold Zk can get enough attention, and perhaps even resonance, because nine out of ten people have no airdrops, scolding him will get traffic, support, applause, and a moment of pleasure.

However, very few people really calm down and review the airdrop rules of zksync. Some do not want to understand, some really do not understand, and some half understand and half do not understand. The main reason is that the airdrop rules of zksync are too complicated, and there is indeed no Chinese Twitter that really explains the rules clearly.

Selecting coins is our strong point, and making money is just a by-product. The password will be announced in my circle of good friends. My avatar, take a look at my information. Let's communicate together.

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