Yesterday, many currencies had short-term stop-loss signals, indicating that a short-term rebound is coming.

SOL has experienced 93 days of volatility. Despite the pullback, its heat has not completely subsided. Although the long-term entry risk is relatively high, there is still room for operation in the short and medium term. Today, let's analyze the short-term market of SOL in four hours:

Stop-loss signal after shock: After a wave of decline, a long lower shadow Yin line appeared, and then the pregnant line was closed, and the market entered a shock. Strong support: The short position in the shock zone shrank, and the price did not break the previous low, indicating that the support below was strong. Bullish volume: Bulls began to increase volume, and a bullish engulfing appeared in the last four hours, which is a reversal pattern. Bullish intervention: The price broke through the previous high, indicating that the bulls began to intervene and the strength increased.

In summary, SOL stopped falling in the short term and is about to start a wave of rising market. There are two trading strategies: one is to do a breakthrough after the shock, and the other is to wait for a pullback before entering the market. I personally tend to do a breakthrough market, and if there is a pullback, I can cover my position.