SOL rebounded okay, it rose about 10%, and the current pressure is here at 144-146 US dollars. Only by breaking through here can it continue to spiral up.

Aren't many fans paying attention to SOL? I told you 5 days ago (June 14) that you can consider buying if it retreats to 133U. In fact, if I follow my previous needle-picking ideas, I will not say 133U. I will definitely say that I copied 128U at the bottom of the band twice this year.

But I found that if the points I posted are too precise and demanding, there will always be fans who buy spot and are just a few U away from the transaction, so they are upset about missing the opportunity, so I publicly released 133U, which is quite contrary to my original intention of picking up the needle point.

But then again, it is impossible for everyone to buy at the tip of the needle, because the price will be squeezed. For example, SOL128U has a transaction volume and supply of 1 million US dollars. Suddenly, 10 million U is listed at 128U. It is definitely impossible for everyone to buy at 128U. You have to understand this principle. When demand exceeds supply, the price will spiral up.

Note: Learn to read the quotes of the horse running ahead. The text clearly tells you that you are not allowed to buy at 150U at that time, which prevents you from blowing up your position or buying at a high position, thus making your mentality better. This is all emotional value, priceless. The most important thing is that you can see that the strategy of buying the bottom twice at 128U at that time obtained a cumulative 60% unleveraged profit! $SOL