TNSR trading strategy for today

Yellow dot signal:

On the two-hour level, yellow dots have appeared at 8 am, which is a clear signal of long buy point.

Break above key position:

If the price of TNSR can successfully break above the key position of 0.6409, the market may enter a long market.

Wait for the next signal:

After confirming the first yellow dot signal, we need to wait patiently for the next yellow dot signal to appear and close.

Once the next yellow dot signal closes, the long order transaction will be officially opened. #TNSR智能策略库🥇🥇 #tnsr币

Pressure level and profit expectation:

Once the long order is opened, we can expect the price of TNSR to challenge the pressure level of 0.7549-0.8491.

If the price successfully reaches or exceeds these pressure levels, investors will have the opportunity to obtain considerable returns.

Risk management:

In order to control potential risks, it is recommended to set a stop loss level near 0.5858.

If the price falls below this position, investors should stop loss in time to avoid further losses. #币安合约锦标赛 #新币挖矿 $TNSR