#ETHFI🔥🔥🔥 ETHFI, you can pay more attention to this variety recently. Although it is still online, the long and short prices are below 3.738, but it recovers very quickly. If the spot is close, you can enter the market at the current price and build a position. Be conservative and wait for orders near 3.215 and 2.846. The upper target position is around 3.651, 4.162, 4.517, and 4.806. The spot is not fully stocked, short-term spot operation, develop good work and rest habits, and push protection in time when there is profit

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#Ethfi,几十块钱才换一个,真希望它快点降价!仅仅是个人看法,不作为投资建议。 #ETHFI智能策略库🥇🥇 #ETHFI, #io项目 $ETHFI $IO $ZK