$NVDA currently has a price of $135.76 per share, and has successfully won the ranking of the world's largest company by market value with a market value of 3.33 trillion.

Currently, $AAPL ranks second and $MSFT ranks third.

Most importantly, data shows that Nvidia's market value has skyrocketed since May 22. In the 27 days to today, Nvidia's market value has skyrocketed by 1 trillion US dollars.

In the global high-interest rate and low liquidity environment, 1 trillion US dollars have poured into Nvidia. Let alone the US stock market sucking blood from the crypto market, I think Nvidia is siphoning the world. At present, among the seven US technology giants, only Nvidia is rising, and the others are all falling.

Do you remember the XLK position swap issue I mentioned on the 16th? This week, XLK will sell 12 billion Apple shares and buy 11 billion Nvidia shares. Now S&P has confirmed this position swap, but has not disclosed the specific amount. If nothing unexpected happens, the buy and sell position swap will be carried out on Friday 21st.

If Nvidia continues to rise, XLK will switch positions in the third quarter. If Nvidia's free float market value exceeds Microsoft, then XLK will increase its position again in the third quarter. It's crazy!

#BTC走势分析 #NVDA