Brothers, I just came back from drinking some wine. I just came back to update the media account recently. Actually, I haven’t updated it much. I just did it for fun. It’s not that I don’t want to update, but with the current market situation, to be honest, even dogs would shake their heads when they see it.

I have given a few orders in the past few days, but all in all, I just made a profit. I really don’t want to do any orders these days. I also have a few words to say to my brothers. The main points are:

1: I went out to play for a month before I started looking at the market. I was afraid of making a wrong judgment and causing everyone to lose money. Moreover, I entered the market for every order myself. I don’t want to lose money if you lose too.

2: I just came back and looked at the market carefully. People have been talking about a short structure, but they didn’t dare to say directly what the short points were. They only said once that 685 was the turning point between long and short. I really can’t confirm it, so I can only follow the market.

3: I see a lot of people in the market saying that Bitcoin will fall to a certain level, and that this is the real bottom. Just like the big drop at the beginning of this year, many people were saying that Bitcoin would fall to 50,000 or 20,000, and they have been spreading panic.

Generally speaking, in the market, if someone tells you that Bitcoin is going to fall to a certain level or has already fallen to the bottom, 99% of these people are either stupid or bad, or even both. If they are right, they will come out to show off, and if they are not, they will keep silent, and then jump out again when the market improves.

So facing this situation, many brothers also asked me whether Bitcoin will fall to 60,000 or 50,000, or whether it is already a bear market and the bull market is gone. In fact, I am very annoyed by this situation. I personally don’t know how to answer. What kind of answer can make you feel at ease?

4: The fourth point is very important. No matter whether you are doing spot or contract trading, you must always remember to calculate your own capital risk. No matter if this person or I say that buying this or that will definitely make money, the profit and loss ratio is very important. Those who are stuck/losing money must follow the profit and loss ratio. I have been stuck, and I have also suffered floating losses or even big losses. However, no matter what currency you trade, if the profit and loss ratio does not reach the best or similar position, you don’t need to do this order.

5: The recent market is difficult to trade. I would rather drink and do less trading. But since it is difficult to trade, we should respect the facts, do less and lose less. Only bet when the profit and loss ratio is OJBK, otherwise don't trade. If you don't understand the direction, then it is very simple. Just stare at the 4-hour moving average for reference. It is likely to keep you calm and give up your idea of ​​bottom-fishing.#BTC