📉📉 Have you ever wondered why different crypto currencies follow similar bullish and bearish patterns

Here are the MAJOR reasons why most all cryptocurrencies with different blockchains bullish or bearish in same patterns. When BTC goes down, every other cryptocurrency will also follow that direction. Have you ever wondered why it is so? The crypto community is ONE and they are all the same and related. Most whales and large investors have assets in all of these cryptocurrencies and they all sell and buy at once. Once they want to sell, they sell their crypto in all blockchains at once and when they want to buy in any amount, they buy at once across all blockchains

Market Sentiment: Cryptocurrency markets are highly sensitive to overall market sentiment. News, regulations, technological advancements, or macroeconomic events can cause widespread reactions, impacting most cryptocurrencies similarly.

Correlation: Cryptocurrencies often move in correlation with one another. When major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum experience significant price movements, other cryptocurrencies tend to follow due to market psychology and the interconnected nature of the crypto ecosystem.

Market Dynamics: Many investors hold diversified portfolios of different cryptocurrencies. When they decide to buy or sell, they often do so across multiple assets, causing similar movements across different tokens.

Liquidity: Cryptocurrencies with higher liquidity tend to show more significant price movements. When high-volume trading occurs, it can create ripple effects across various cryptocurrencies.

Algorithmic Trading: Many trading bots and algorithms operate across multiple cryptocurrencies, executing trades based on market signals. This automated trading can lead to synchronized movements in different cryptocurrencies.

Market Structure: The structure of the cryptocurrency market, including exchanges and trading pairs, can contribute to synchronized price movements. Large orders or significant trading activity on one exchange can influence prices on others.