In the cryptocurrency circle, people are eagerly watching the market and tirelessly chasing all kinds of cryptocurrency information.

It is no exaggeration to say that I didn't study so hard when I was in school.

However, most people eventually left the market with scars and vowed never to get involved in this market again.

Why is this?

The reason is simple. This circle itself does not create wealth.

Every penny you earn means another person's loss, and vice versa.

The nature of zero-sum game is destined to be cruel, and the 80/20 rule always follows.

So, how does this circle work? It is like a carefully choreographed stage play, with rounds of cycles alternating, and the exchange of funds and chips becomes the stage for wealth transfer.

First of all, making chips is the key first step. Through the careful packaging and promotion of a certain concept, a token came into being.

In order to establish a preliminary consensus, a bunch of so-called authoritative people and institutions endorsed it with great momentum.

Next, it is the stage of increasing market value. This can be divided into two categories: one is the market transactions that retail investors can participate in in the early stage. The main funds and the market work together to pull up the market value, and the typical representative is the popular Meme coin.

The other is the now notorious institutional currency, which increases the market value through rounds of financing, and then distributes it directly in the secondary market. Retail investors can only take over the market helplessly. The copycat market is dragged down by this type of VC coin.

When the market value reaches its peak, the good show of distributing chips at high levels begins.

At this time, the market is bustling, good news is flying all over the sky, retail investors are extremely enthusiastic, and the market liquidity is excellent, creating an excellent opportunity for the main force to ship.

A big Yin line pours down like a waterfall, announcing that the peak of this bull market has arrived.

Afterwards, the market fell into chaos due to shock decline, the locked-in plate was cut, and the main force added fuel to the flames to form a stampede. During the low-level shock, the main force began to quietly collect chips, and a perfect closed loop was formed.

How many people are stuck at the top like this? Let's chat

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