If the funds are less than 100, they should be placed in two exchanges, namely Binance and EURUSD. If the funds are more than 100 and are not moved for a long time, it is safer to place them in a wallet.

Although there are no security issues in placing your money on these two platforms, it is always more reassuring to know that you can control 100% of your wealth.

But if you don’t have enough security awareness, it may be safer to put it in an exchange. Many people use hot wallets, which are online wallets like tp and IMtoken.

This type of wallet is very risky for those who don’t have enough security awareness.

There have been many such examples around me. Some scammers deliberately airdrop junk coins into wallets, and the wallet will show the value of the coin, which is basically tens of thousands of US dollars.

The first thing Xiaobai thought of when he saw it was cashing out. However, cashing out requires authorization from a third party, and after authorization, all the money in the wallet will be transferred away.

Therefore, for newbies in the cryptocurrency world, at least in recent years, you can completely trust the above two platforms, and there will be no problem with funds.

For veterans, it is safer to use a wallet at that time. Here we only recommend hard wallets, and we recommend everyone to buy a hard wallet directly.

However, the purchase price of a hard wallet is generally high. For some newbies, their total assets may not be as much as a hard wallet, which sounds not cost-effective.

The best way is to place it on the two exchanges mentioned above.

Stay away from other small exchanges.

The risk of running away is too high.

If you don't know how to screen strong coins, then I suggest you follow me. Whether it is spot or contract, a little shot may be your limit. The opportunity is short, so you must seize it! Success does not depend on luck. Choice is greater than effort. The circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a keen eye for judging the situation, you must also keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you are already halfway to success in the currency circle! Communication +: BYLK688

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