Around June 2023, I was investing in a single coin spot and my crypto assets were only minus 30% of my assets, but because I didn't know how to DCA my capital, I kept buying them down a bit and kept buying like that for months. 8 runs out of capital, now the account has been divided 5 times. And from dividing by 5 to dividing by 10, it only takes a 50% adjustment in the price that was divided by 5 to become divided by 10, which few people pay attention to. After more than 2 months of leaving the traditional money-making focused market, I returned in mid-October and could only buy at the price range where my account had been divided 8 times, but in reality the price had returned to the 10-time division area but Because I returned to the market a bit late, in November the price continued to move sideways and was still divided by 5 when I bought a batch of DCA at the average price in October. I hesitated for a while and then decided to buy more in November. and now the account is only divided 2 times. At the end of December, my account was still minus 15%, but due to weak psychology and too much capital, I decided to sell it all. By mid-January 2024, if you still keep it, you will have X2 accounts. This real story hopes to help people have a perspective on patience and waiting for DCA to be effective, as well as knowing how to be patient and wait for the profit-taking price range. Let's try together 👍

Note: This is a personal perspective, not investment advice. #BinanceTournament #Write2Earn #hotTrends