#币安上线ZK #BTC走势分析


The cryptocurrency industry should thank the U.S. stock market for its daily life-saving transfusions, instead of blaming the U.S. stock market for sucking blood!

First, the liquidity of the entire cryptocurrency industry is not at the same level as that of the United States. AAPL was sold by XLK for 11 billion on Friday, and the stock price did not move at all.

Secondly, because the U.S. stock market is strong, optimistic risk appetite is driving funds to buy BTC through various channels (BTC is a super-risk asset)

If the U.S. stock market adjusts, the adjustment must be a one-shot deal, VIX soars, and individual stocks plummet rapidly

BTC is dragged down and is expected to fall through

But as long as it does not fall hard, it will soon pull back. Technology giants with abundant cash, technological revolution, and strong demand are difficult to suppress except for recession