Zksync's internal secrets revealed: Team privileges cheating, nearly 50 million ZK tokens illegally obtained!

soEasy revealed the improper behavior within the Zksync project. The user has been following and tracking this matter since September last year, and found that Zksync team members used privileges to conduct internal transactions to make profits. They obtained nearly 50 million ZK tokens through specific means. In addition, these insiders also illegally minted and sold NFTs, and even used contract permissions to mint NFTs for themselves and sold them when the conditions were not met to make a profit. This behavior sacrificed the interests of ordinary users. This user has also previously exposed the scandal of a former Zksync employee. There are serious management and ethical issues within the Zksync project, the airdrop rules are not transparent, and there are cases where insiders use privileges for personal gain. What do you think, Yuan Fang! #币安上线ZK