I released the zK variety at 12:40 on June 18, 2024. The screenshot at that time was a long order bought at the real-time price. The zK variety is currently profitable and close to the target position. Every order is a real-time market order, never after the fact. There is no need to use support and resistance levels to place orders to buy in learning. The transaction is very effective. The market conditions of each cycle are clear at a glance, and there is no need to analyze the market. It is a fool-proof entry and you will not get lost in trading. Pay attention to the avatar, wealth code + learning + live broadcast + risk control, a series of learning will fuck you, never after the fact! Simple and efficient #币安合约锦标赛 #币安上线ZK #币安上线ZK #AirdropGuide #LayerZero $BTC $zk