A company with a market value of 1.3 billion needs to pay 500 million yuan in taxes? The company has stopped working! Will the cryptocurrency industry also have to pay taxes later? ? ? ! ! !

Recently, the listed company Bohui Co., Ltd. issued a suspension announcement because the company needed to pay 500 million yuan in taxes, which made the company out of money all of a sudden.

The reason for the need to pay taxes is that on June 30 last year, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued an "Announcement on the Implementation of the Consumption Tax Policy for Some Finished Oil Products". From the date of the announcement, consumption tax will be levied on mixed aromatics, heavy aromatics, mixed carbon eight, stable light hydrocarbons, light oil, and light coal tar according to naphtha.

Bohui Co., Ltd. mainly produces heavy aromatic products. According to the relevant consumption tax standards, a tax of 2,105.2 yuan must be paid for each ton sold, but the company's sales price is 3,606.28 yuan/ton, and consumption tax accounts for 58.4%. According to this tax rate, the company not only has no profit, but also has to pay the tax department.

In order to avoid this tax problem, the company transformed into heavy aromatic derivatives. At the beginning, it also received confirmation from the tax department that it did not need to pay consumption tax according to the heavy aromatic standard. However, at the end of March this year, the tax department suddenly sent a notice of tax payment. It needed to pay 300 million yuan in taxes in the first half of last year (excluding the impact of consumption tax), and 200 million yuan in taxes in the first quarter of this year, a total of 500 million yuan in taxes. However, the company's net profit in the past four years was 340 million yuan, and it could not afford to pay taxes like this, so the company stopped working directly. Poor shareholders and employees of the company.