Reasons for the plunge of FET, AGIX, and OCEAN

After the merger of the three major tokens FET, AGIX, and OCEAN was announced

The market reaction was unexpected, and the market value plummeted, with a general decline of 50% to 60%

Among them, FET plummeted by nearly 65%. This plunge is in sharp contrast to the good news that the merger should have brought.

Personally, I think this plunge may be intentional by the project party and the currency traders.

They may want to use this plunge to allow retail investors to sell their chips at a low level, so that they can collect more chips and pave the way for future increases.

In the long run, considering the potential value and status of these tokens in the AI ​​field after the merger, you don’t have to worry about the current plunge.

Don’t worry, hold it first and see the subsequent dynamics of the project party and market changes

It’s not too late to make the final decision

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