Binance Square | Newbie Academy

Face-to-face x Newbie Exchange EP03

-Listen to the topic sharing by the experts and communicate with them face-to-face on the microphone to get the latest information and insights; ask questions to the experts and have the opportunity to win exquisite peripheral rewards.

Event time: tonight at 20:00

This issue's benefits: 100U password red envelope + 5 exquisite peripherals

For more information: See the poster below

Password red envelope time: 1 50U password red envelope will be released in the square during the live broadcast and at the end

Guest Q&A time: The host and guests will select 5 users who ask questions to give peripherals-Binance black short T-shirt

Follow the Academy Square account now, don't miss the opportunity to communicate with the experts face to face.

⚠️Warm reminder: If your version is too low, you may not be able to participate in Space, remember to update the App

#新手学堂 #大咖面对面 $BNB