The recent market is really hard to describe.

BTC and Ethereum have not fluctuated much. Most of the cottages are like waterfalls washing their faces. One is worse than the other. Many people are basically stuck at high positions, or blowing the wind halfway up the mountain. More people are beginning to miss the summer of 2021 and the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle at that time.

Many new leeks may not know about that past. Today, I will give you an analysis and comparison from the following aspects, so that the newbies in the cryptocurrency circle can have a better understanding of the current situation of the cryptocurrency circle.

First, from the number of currencies, there were only a few currencies in the last bull market, and there were only a few high-quality tracks, and the high-quality coins were also those few. Moreover, the speed of new listings was also very slow, which led to the gathering of funds of many people, and it was easier to pull up the cottage. At that time, doubling was as easy as drinking water, and the increase list often started at 50%.

Second, let's analyze from the track. The track is the sector, which is what we often say, which track or sector you are optimistic about. According to statistics from Feixiaohao, the current currency circle is divided into 94 sectors, and this wave of bull market has pumped out many new sectors, such as inscriptions, runes, bankruptcy sectors, etc. The emergence of these sectors is undoubtedly one of the reasons for weakening the combat effectiveness of retail investors in the currency circle.

There are more sectors, more corresponding coins, and more things that KOLs pay attention to. Many retail investors still have the habit of buying coins. For example: those who were optimistic about the decentralized sector have already gone all in, but suddenly an inscription sector appeared, and he wanted to get on the train again, so he had to sell the coins in the decentralized sector to rush the inscription sector. People are still the same people, and his U keeps getting smaller and smaller with repeated changes in positions and tracks, and in the end...

Third, let's analyze from the properties of the coins. The currency circle is divided into spot and contract. Spot can only make money if it rises, while contracts can be opened for both long and short positions. How can spot rise? Only when many people and a lot of funds buy it can it rise. In fact, the essence of the currency circle is also a Ponzi scheme, so there is a saying that the currency circle is a trading circle.

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