
The Cortex Network is the world's first AI-enabled blockchain, designed to enable an efficient, secure, and scalable smart contract platform.

One of the goals of Cortex is to implement a machine learning platform that allows users to post tasks and submit AIDApps on the platform.

1️⃣What is CTXC coin?

The main goal of Cortex is to provide advanced machine learning models on the blockchain, which can be used by users through smart contracts on the Cortex blockchain.

In addition, Cortex allows users to write machine learning programs on the blockchain and send them to other contracts interactively. Cortex is also equipped with its own virtual machine, called the Cortex Virtual Machine (CVM). The command set of CVM is fully compatible with EVM and supports conclusive instructions.

Professional machine learning researchers from all over the world can upload their relevant data models to Cortex, making the shared models available to any user who needs them. In addition, the Cortex platform acts as a bridge between model providers and users, facilitating the exchange of information about model usage.

Cortex also provides its users with a token called CTXC, which users can use to purchase AI-related products such as graphics cards, deep learning machines, and cloud computing services. Payments made on the platform can also be made using CTXC tokens.

Furthermore, Cortex uses its own blockchain and stands out for its unique smart AI contracts.

2️⃣Introduction to CTXC founding team:

Chen Ziqi is one of the co-founders of the Cortex project. He co-founded the Cortex project with Zheng Junfeng, who has a deep background and expertise in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.

Chen Ziqi plays an important role in technology and development. He studied at the University of California, Santa Cruz, graduated from the Department of Civil Engineering of Carnegie Mellon University, is also a graduate of Tsinghua University, and is the co-founder of Waterhole.io.

3️⃣Cortex's technical features:

Cortex uses the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm, which is a commonly used blockchain consensus mechanism. PoW verifies transactions through a large amount of calculations and ensures the security of the blockchain. Cortex's PoW algorithm is based on Ethash, which is widely used in Ethereum. It effectively avoids the emergence of ASIC mining machines, allowing ordinary users to participate in mining, and enhancing the distributed nature of the Cortex network.

In addition, Cortex supports smart contracts like Ethereum, but uses the Cortex language instead of the Solidity language. Cortex uses RISC-V as the underlying architecture, and improves the efficiency of contract execution and reduces CPU energy consumption through layered compilation technology, while supporting more complex contract operations.

4️⃣Application scenarios of Cortex:

Cortex has a wide range of application scenarios. First, it has potential in the field of artificial intelligence. Modern artificial intelligence requires a lot of computing resources, and Cortex can give full play to the computing power of the GPU and improve the utilization efficiency of hardware resources through optimized underlying architecture and compilation technology.

Secondly, Cortex is also widely used in smart contracts. Smart contracts are automatically executed protocols that can realize functions such as automatic payment and asset allocation. Based on Cortex's smart contracts, users can easily create a variety of automated protocols, enhancing the flexibility and scalability of the platform.

5️⃣Token Economy:

The total supply of CTXC tokens is limited. According to Binance data, it ranks 566 with a market value of $60.4815 million, a perfect diluted market value of $81.8191 million, a market share of 0.0025%, a total of 300 million CTXC, and a circulation quantity of 222 million CTXC.

New tokens will be gradually released through mining and other rewards. This design is intended to promote the long-term development of the platform and incentivize users to actively participate.

6️⃣ Reward mechanism:

Users can earn CTXC tokens in a variety of ways, such as providing computing resources, participating in the data market, verifying smart contracts, etc. These activities not only help the platform run and grow, but also reward participants who contribute to the platform.


The Cortex platform and CTXC tokens combine artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain technologies and are widely regarded as a valuable project. It supports decentralized artificial intelligence applications (AI dApps) and is very popular among users.

In addition, the project's cooperation system provides developers and AI researchers with a variety of incentive mechanisms, promotes innovation and participation, and builds a mutually beneficial ecosystem.