This time, the price of Maozi liquor plunged.

Many people don't understand. Let me explain it to you in plain language. It is short selling futures. The process design is very clever and difficult for ordinary people to understand. The platform is also very skilled and bold to dare to short such a big brand. It is really a duel between masters, sparks and lightning, awesome.

A certain e-commerce platform sells Maozi at 2,000 yuan per bottle. The platform subsidizes 400 yuan for each bottle sold. The current market price is 2,400. According to normal people's thinking, isn't this a waste of time? However, according to the thinking of financial people, this is short selling.

The feature of this platform is that after consumers place an order, dealers can ship 20 days later. If the price remains unchanged in 20 days, the dealers will be in vain and go crazy. But what if the price falls? Then, in these 20 days, the dealers will make as much as the price falls. Because Maozi's sales volume is huge, the total profit is considerable.

What does this have to do with scalpers? It matters a lot. Because the spot is mainly in the hands of scalpers, and now dealers force short orders. Once the price plummets, the goods in the hands of scalpers will depreciate.

What should the scalper do? He wants the parent company to support the price. The parent company gave a hint, but did nothing. The scalper got angry and started to curse.

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