I think the main reason why so many women are unwilling to get married is that there are too few men who can live a comfortable life.

Either they want to live a comfortable life;

Or they want to live a comfortable life.

Do you think women have to find Prince Charles before they are willing to marry? Anyway, as far as I know, I have never seen such a 13-point woman. It’s okay to talk about it, but who can stop a girl from dreaming? I still want to date Liu Yifei! When it comes to finding a partner, most of them are still very realistic.

Are women who earn a lot and have a good family situation willing to be financially compatible?

As long as the man has one thing to show for it, such as a good personality, willingness to do housework, and good appearance. Even if he is a non-weaver, he can still find a wife. Most of the top female salesmen in our industry are the type of women who work outside and men who work inside. As long as the husband who works inside doesn’t do anything weird, women generally value friendship and will not change them even for the sake of the baby.

I will give an example of a typical person who wants to live a life of luxury. I will take a male colleague Hu Bei from my former company as an example. He used to tell our female colleagues in the office: A woman, no matter how much money she makes outside or how powerful she is, is still a woman when she goes home, and should take care of the baby and take care of her husband. For example, there is a woman in my hometown who is very impressive outside, but she still has to wash the feet of her husband when she goes home. This is our tradition for thousands of years!

At that time, a thousand grass mud horses ran through my mind. I immediately asked him: "The tradition for thousands of years is that men earn money to support the family, marry men, and have clothes and food. Can you afford it?"

A typical person who wants to live a life of luxury... There is no need to give a typical example. Those who clamor for women not to have a dowry every day, and want their wives to be financially independent after marriage, and also want their wives to give birth to sons, and mother-in-law to take care of the baby, and the dowry is more than the dowry, are all people who want to live a life of luxury.

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