#ETHFI⁩ $ETHFI ETHFI market analysis of the day

I. Overall trend

ETHFI is currently in a bearish trend at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels.

However, the market has shown signs of rebound, and investors need to pay close attention to subsequent trends.

II. Key positions

Long-short watershed: Today, special attention should be paid to the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, which is located near 3.926. If ETHFI can successfully break through this position, a rebound may be launched.

Downward support level: If the market continues to decline, investors should first pay attention to the support level of 3.673. If this position is lost, there are two support levels of 3.603 and 3.542 below as subsequent defense lines.

Rebound pressure level: If ETHFI rebounds, it will face three pressure levels of 4.015, 4.087 and 4.142. Successfully breaking through these pressure levels will be an important sign of the sustainability of the rebound.

3. Operational suggestions

Short-term strategy: In view of the volatility of the current market, it is recommended that investors adopt a short-term strategy, keep a close eye on the market, and pay close attention to the changes in the strength of long and short positions.

Risk control: During the operation, please pay attention to risk control and avoid blindly chasing up or bottoming out. According to your own risk tolerance, rationally allocate funds.

Risk warning:

The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. Investors need to be cautious when participating in transactions, fully understand market risks, and make investment decisions based on their own circumstances. This analysis is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, Xiaobai can also master the wealth code, find my comment assistant, need to analyze the search for the copycat point (public account: Encrypted Wind) 🐧👗cfst115#ETHFI💰智能多空策略 #ETHFI🔥🔥🔥 #ETHFI24小时交易策略 #ETHFI智能策略库🥇🥇