The weather has been hot and the market has been fluctuating slightly. The sun is scorching, and the dog market is exhausting. What is being tested now is patience. I guess many leeks have suffered from heat stroke in the summer and lie down. However, unless you are full, the whole family will not be hungry. Anyone who has a sense of responsibility on his shoulders will fight the dog market even if he is dried into a fish, because since he dares to jump onto the chopping board of the capital market, he has no intention of being a salted fish anymore.

Why is the volatility small now? It is because the charge in the first half of the year was too fierce. Every retail investor thought they were successful. It was all an illusion. Now the bubble is about to burst, and it is not easy to go long or short. Unless you can grasp the precise entry and exit points.

Yesterday, a heavy rainstorm finally came. It was long awaited, and I don’t know if it was artificial rain. I listened to the hypnotic sound of the rain and slept for a whole day. Yes, I slept for a whole day. It felt so luxurious.

The day before yesterday, a fire broke out in the casino of Genting in Malaysia. I remember hearing a deafening alarm at the entrance of Genting Casino that night. Was there a fire hazard in advance? I wonder if there were any casualties among those who won money in Genting World's No. 1 Entertainment Hotel.

I recently started studying "Livermore's Trading Skills". I didn't expect that Livermore's trading style was actually heavy trading, full trading, and making good use of every crisis. In fact, he is much more awesome than Buffett. The leeks who like to get rich quickly must like his style of all-in. He is the real Wall Street Wolf. Although he has experienced four bankruptcies and ups and downs, his single transaction of 100 million US dollars in the Great Depression is still unmatched today. He is like the undefeated Western financial circle who has made "Sunflower Manual". The only trader who can be deified, even the United States begged him not to short the economy at that time.

Traveling through time and space, I seemed to feel the energy brought to me by Lidmore's tactics, so I kept opening several contract ant orders. As for the direction, in fact, even if I don't say it, the smart leeks can guess it. Since I am short in the spot, I am definitely bearish on the contract.

The sharp drop is not scary, but this kind of slow drop is scary. So the fluctuation range falls slowly, and the profit can only be absorbed little by little, so don't be impatient. If you are impatient, you can't eat hot tofu, and you can't eat women's tofu either. The dog dealer is pua us, but in fact, we only need to overcome the demons of greed and fear. Don't care about profits and losses, just fight if you don't agree.

Life is short, enjoy it while you can. Don't be like many Chinese people who live too depressed. They save money all their lives, but either save it for scammers or end up paying for it to the hospital. After living a clear life, I understand why the pornography, gambling and drug business is endless. In addition to huge profits, the most important thing is addiction. Is it difficult to quit smoking? Is it difficult to quit drinking? Is it difficult to quit sex? Is it difficult to quit gambling?

Recently, a goalkeeper from Singapore has become extremely popular. It is so abnormal. Chinese football is as rubbish as FIL, even worse than a copycat. It is so disgusting that most people never pay attention to it. Even the earliest Fan Zhiyi has changed his career to make a cameo in a movie. Can you imagine that the sports bureau has invested the most money in football games, but they can't even pick out 11 real men from 1.4 billion people? Are they all trained to castrate themselves? Even to squeeze into the Asian Games, the goalkeeper of Singapore must hold the ball to delay time and let the game go? This is simply a joke, no, it is a shame, wrong, and sad.

Chinese football is like a piece of junk air money, it has no sense of existence, and they still have the nerve to spend money to invite the Singapore team to China for a friendly match, which is really embarrassing. The Thai team next door is silent. If it weren't for the fact that domestic tourists contribute to the GDP of Thailand's tourism industry, they would have started to curse.

The latest hot topic should be the European Cup. Are there any coins that will rise in value and make people run out? Many people have started to bet on football matches. I don’t understand this kind of off-site betting and I don’t participate in it. Now I rarely have the leisure to watch football. Mandarin Hong Kong has been smelly for so many years, and it makes people angry when they see it.

But I have to admit that Sun Ge is shameless. He is always trying to get attention. Huobi hired the Singaporean goalkeeper as its spokesperson with a high salary. Sun Ge, you are really generous. You even went to a Singaporean chicken chop restaurant to shoot a video. You must have too much money to spend in Singapore and you are so bored that you have become a food blogger.

Finally, I will give you a reassurance. The worst case scenario for the market is around $48,000. If it really falls to that level as I predicted, you should go all in. After all, there is not much time left for you to grab shares. The Federal Reserve will probably cut interest rates at the end of the year, so the big bull market in 2025 will definitely come. Believe in the leader and you will have eternal life. The big pie will use the overflowing wealth to save us old leeks who are determined and never give up. No matter how cruel the dog dealer is, it cannot uproot us. Because we leeks are like the phoenix. If we stay in hell for a long time, we will be reborn at any time.

I won't say any more. The movie is about to start. It's another private theater. This time it's starring Hu Ge. I'll fly to Bangkok, Thailand in three days, and get away from this hot hell again. I didn't expect that I would fly to Thailand to escape the summer heat. I'll get 1,000 gasoline bullets ready, and I'm about to dance with Zhuang. It seems that the world is really going to change...