Missed the overnight wealth, know how to "quit when you are ahead", and set a small goal of 20% daily income (from coinsradar.net)

Mr. Xu said that he was one of the earliest people in China to trade in cryptocurrencies. In 2013, Mr. Xu had just graduated from university and went to a university in Hangzhou to engage in entrepreneur training and academic management. Due to his work, Mr. Xu often came into contact with entrepreneurs from all over the country and well-known experts and scholars in the industry. The financial knowledge taught by experts and scholars opened his eyes, and Bitcoin came into his world in this way.

At the beginning, Mr. Xu took 5,000 yuan to buy some Bitcoin. In two or three months, his account became 100,000 yuan. Mr. Xu knows how to "quit when you are ahead". He felt that Bitcoin had risen enough, so he did not invest in Bitcoin again.

When Bitcoin was soaring, cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum also attracted his attention. He was unwilling to be ordinary and wanted to make a small bet for a big gain. He took out 50,000 yuan from the profit and leveraged it to re-invest in the cryptocurrency circle.

In 2015, the LTC he bought on Huobi.com went bankrupt, and his initial capital of 50,000 yuan was lost. At this point, Mr. Xu made up his mind to leave the cryptocurrency circle and began to focus on stock investment.

"What's more legendary is that before I left the cryptocurrency circle, I found that the price of Dogecoin was less than 1 cent, so I bought millions of them. At that time, I thought of leaving them for my future children. I didn't speculate in cryptocurrencies in the following years, but I still paid attention to it. In 2017, I recommended Dogecoin to many friends around me. Now many friends have made millions of dollars from Dogecoin, but I sold it all before the surge." Mr. Xu said that he had basically experienced what many people in the cryptocurrency circle had experienced, such as liquidation and missing out on sudden wealth.

In recent years, he has also invested in air coins and lost all his money. Wealth comes too quickly, which is not something to be proud of. He has a good attitude towards missing out on getting rich quickly. "I believe there are many opportunities. There is such a big opportunity every two or three years. If you don't understand wealth correctly, wealth will go back the way it came."

Now that Mr. Xu has left college, stock trading and cryptocurrency trading have become his main daily work. He only invested 1,000 yuan in cryptocurrency trading, and now this account has more than 10,000 yuan. He hopes that one day he can achieve a small goal: a 20% return every day.

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