#BTC $BTC  BTC currency circle in-depth analysis

Short-term trend: The short-selling forces have a slight advantage in the 1-hour level. However, the purple dot signal appears on the 2-hour level chart, indicating the possibility of a pullback.

Medium-line trend: The 4-hour level is clearly in the bull camp. Today's focus is on the long-short watershed near the key point of 66364.9.

Probing support level: If the market has a pullback, first pay attention to the three support prices of 65522.7, 65816.3, and 66019.6.

Rebound target: Once the market rebounds, the primary target will be the three high ranges of 66652.0, 66934.3, and up to 67363.5.

The currency circle is changing rapidly, and only by accurately grasping it can you be the best in the world!

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