🤪🤪🤪 Today, let Xiaoyu show you how to do it~#Solv #SolvBTC

😁😁😁For the first time, everyone cursed softly~

1. Analysis of the development history and technical architecture of Solv protocol

  • 1.1 Development History of Solv Protocol

  • 1.2 Analysis of Solv Protocol’s Technical Architecture

2. Interpretation of the core advantages and innovations of Solv Ecosystem

  • 2.1 Core advantages of Solv ecosystem

  • 2.2 Interpretation of the Innovation Points of Solv Ecosystem

3. Discussion on the use cases and value of SolvBtc in different application scenarios

  • 3.1 First of all, what is SolvBtc?

  • 3.2 How can SolvBTC users earn substantial returns related to Bitcoin?

  • 3.3 What are other profit-generating scenarios for SolvBTC?

4. SolvBtc related tutorials

  • 4.1 Tutorial on Creating and Using SolvBtc

  • 4.2 Binance Web3 Solv Protocol Staking Airdrop Tutorial


1. Development history and technical architecture analysis of Solv Protocol

😀😀As a beginner of web3, when I see a new project, I want to understand its specific content, so I first need to know what it is.

So first of all, what is Solv Protocol? 🤔🤔

Solv Protocol is a native yield platform powered by a decentralized asset management infrastructure, dedicated to tokenizing and aggregating high-quality yield across the industry. It acts as a unified liquidity gateway, aiming to reduce the barriers and costs (goals and purposes) for users to seek high-quality investment opportunities.

Solv is backed by Binance Labs, Nomura Group, Mirana, Blockchain Capital, and others.

1.1 Development History of Solv Protocol

1.1.1 Creation time💪💪

Solv Protocol was founded in early 2021. In the early days, it was committed to innovating the decentralized financial field through financial NFT technology. Its team mainly focused on technology research and development and product design, and also to ensure the security and stability of its platform. Note: (The financial field is mainly decentralized finance, or DeFi, which is a term covering various financial products that exist on decentralized networks, such as Ethereum. The basic concept of DeFi is to rely on smart contracts to automate financial products. The most widely used DeFi products are mainly concentrated in the fields of lending, trading and derivatives.)

1.1.2 Early Development

In the early stages of its development, in August of the same year (August 2021), Solv Protocol launched its first financial NFT function, through which users can create and trade financial NFTs. It was through the launch of this project that the company successfully obtained financing and raised its initial capital, and investors were able to freely trade financial NFTs, bringing innovation and a certain degree of liquidity to the project.

1.1.3 Ecological Development💦💦

In 2022, Solv Protocol began to gradually develop its ecosystem. First, it cooperated with platforms such as Ethereum and Polkadot to launch financial NFTs that can be operated and traded between different blockchains. Solv Protocol users can then trade and manage personal assets and financial NFTs through multiple platforms. Solv Protocol's cooperation with multiple platforms to launch cross-chain interoperability and a variety of financial tools is a particularly critical step in the development of its ecosystem.

1.1.4 Current Development

Today, Solv Protocol's user base and transaction volume have become a very important part of the decentralized financial field. The financial NFT technology, market and ecology it created in the early days have given a perfect answer in time, and its innovative technology has also promoted the market development in the decentralized financial field.

Current data
Past development chart
Future Roadmap

1.2 Analysis of Solv Protocol’s Technical Architecture

Solv Protocol generates corresponding NFT and SFT certificates for the project party by depositing value tokens into the Solv protocol and locking them. This certificate represents the project party's ownership of the tokens during the lock-up period. People who hold the NFT and SFT can interact with the smart contract through the protocol and obtain tokens from it.

The core mechanism of Solv Protocol is to lock tokens in smart contracts and generate NFT and SFT certificates for tokens to ensure the security of tokens and provide transparency of operations. During the token lock-up period, the project party cannot directly access or transfer tokens because they are bound to NFT and SFT through smart contracts. Only those who hold the corresponding NFT and SFT can withdraw the corresponding tokens from Solv Protocol through smart contracts within the specified time.

Solv Protocol has the following advantages: innovation, liquidity improvement and one-stop service. This protocol introduces many advanced financial gameplays, creating new investment opportunities and financial instruments. At the same time, by merging functions and introducing the ERC-3525 standard (ERC-3525 protocol is a standard built on the Ethereum blockchain, which aims to provide more flexible expression and wider application scenarios for digital assets), Solv Protocol strives to improve the liquidity of financial NFTs and increase users' trading and transfer options. Therefore, Solv Protocol provides a one-stop service for the issuance and trading of financial NFTs, simplifying the user's operation process. These advantages make Solv Protocol competitive and attractive in the financial market.


2. Interpretation of the core advantages and innovations of Solv Ecosystem

2.1 Core advantages of Solv ecosystem

2.1.1 Low risk and stable returns🤩

The native income assets on Solv represent the user's holdings in the entire strategy portfolio, which are composed of low-risk income-generating assets on the Solv platform. As the value of the underlying assets appreciates, the prices of SolvBTC, SolvETH, and SolvUSD gradually rise. By holding these assets, users can not only maintain the capital appreciation of#BTCand#ETHin the bull market, but also obtain high-quality returns.

2.1.2 Flexibility 🤩

Solv's native yield assets have the characteristics of ERC-20 tokens, allowing them to be freely transferred on the chain. This flexibility allows users to leverage their idle assets and earn substantial returns while also easily obtaining instant liquidity when needed. In addition to providing a user-friendly UI interface to simplify the subscription and redemption process, Solv will also establish a strong liquidity market for these assets by partnering with decentralized exchanges and lending protocols. This partnership will enable users to trade at any time.

2.1.3 High integration 🤩

As stable income assets, SolvBTC, SolvETH and SolvUSD will become key components in the DeFi ecosystem. It can be seamlessly integrated with various DeFi protocols and become a multifunctional component in user strategies. Solv is actively exploring cooperation with protocols such as Aave, Uniswap, Pendle, etc. to provide users with opportunities to earn additional income and maximize capital efficiency.


Yield Sources
Supported Chains
DeFi Applications
Service Providers

2.2 Interpretation of Solv Ecosystem’s Innovations

Solv pioneered the design of ERC-3525 (a semi-fungible token standard, the ERC-3525 protocol is a standard built on the Ethereum blockchain, which aims to provide more flexible expressions and wider application scenarios for digital assets), and built a financial chain issuance, trading and settlement platform. This fully utilizes the composability of DeFi while comprehensively enhancing the ability to utilize financial assets on the chain. After two years of running-in, Solv V3 has supported diversified asset class returns and fund systems, bringing a new asset management experience to investors with high-quality strategies and diverse needs. Non-custodial, product diversity, pioneering user experience and composability are the three main features of the Solv V3 fund platform:

💥(1) Non-custodial: Solv V3 uses smart contracts to fully automate fund operations in a non-custodial manner. All fund issuance, management, and settlement are handled by smart contracts. Back-end capital permissions are also automated through smart contracts. Fund net asset values ​​and historical performance are clearly recorded on-chain through trusted oracles, achieving full lifecycle transparency. This eliminates the black box risk of centralization.

💥(2) Product Diversity: Solv V3 supports a variety of asset classes and return strategies, enabling investors to complete one-stop asset allocation on Solv V3 according to their risk preferences and funding plans. Due to the powerful asset expression capabilities of ERC-3525, Solv V3 allows fund managers to highly customize their fund products. Similar to customizing NFTs, they can visually customize the subscription rules, fee structure, and return strategy of the fund managed by the smart contract.

💥(3) Pioneering user experience and composability: Solv uses SFT (semi-homogeneous token) to provide visual DeFi user experience and composability.

3. Discussion on the use cases and value of SolvBtc in different application scenarios

3.1 First of all, what is SolvBtc?

🦄SolvBTC is a Liquid Yield token designed for Bitcoin. It aims to unlock the potential of idle Bitcoin. It is the first BTC in history that generates income while keeping the spot open. It aims to be the cornerstone of BTCFi, focusing on two different pillars: becoming a one-stop shop for the best Bitcoin income and the key to BTCFi on every chain.

3.2.1 Leverage Solv’s Yield Pool: Deposit SolvBTC into the Yield Pool to gain access to high-quality yield sources, including BTC staking, re-staking, and Delta-neutral trading strategies.

Case: A user can deposit SolvBTC into a library and obtain the corresponding tokens of the library and more rewards

3.2.2 Explore DeFi opportunities: By using SolvBTC in different DeFi protocols, you can access various yield-generating options and maximize your returns in the vibrant DeFi ecosystem.

Case: A user can use SolvBTC as collateral to borrow stable tokens on the defi platform.


3.3 What are other profit-generating scenarios for SolvBTC?

3.3.1 Financial NFT Staking: Deposit NFTs of certain value into the Solv Protocol platform staking pool. Depending on their specific value, you can obtain additional income or other staking operation income through Solv Protocol.

3.3.2 Market Investment: Solv supports investment in various cryptocurrencies, such as BTC, ETH, stablecoins, etc., which of course involves many uncertain risks.

4.1 Tutorial on Creating and Using SolvBtc

4.1.1 Enter the official website

Go to the official website via Chrome: https://app.solv.finance/solvbtc

4.1.2 Link Wallet

Connect your asset wallet, such as Binance, Okx, MetaMask

4.1.3 Exchange SolvBtc through Solv Protocol

By exchanging SolvBtc through Solv Protocol, you can choose assets from different chains in your wallet to exchange for corresponding SolvBtc, such as: BNB chain, Merlin, Arbitrum, Bitcoin Mainnet.

4.1.4 Pledge, Mining, and Investment

Users can stake their SolvBtc through Solv Protocol's DeFi platform to obtain additional income. They can also obtain long-term and stable future income by holding SolvBtc for a long time.

4.2 Binance web3 Solv Protocol staking airdrop tutorial

Open Binance web3 wallet

Find the 150000Solv ProtocolTokens Airdrop banner and click on it to enter

Click to pledge now

Note: Stake and lock at least 0.0001 $BTCB on BNB Chain through Solv Protocol to get SolvBTC

Click back to finish


  • solvprotocol official website: https://solv.finance/

  • Discord:https://discord.com/invite/UF26MVSgbZ

  • Telegram:https://t.me/solvhappyhour

  • Official Twitter: https://x.com/SolvProtocol

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