Pepe Coin (PEPE/USDT) Chart Analysis

As of now, Pepe Coin (#PEPE) is trading at $0.00001201 with a slight increase of 0.17% for the day. Here's a detailed analysis based on the current chart:

$PEPE Key Statistics:

- Current Price: $0.00001201

- 24h High: $0.00001229

- 24h Low: $0.00001144

- 24h Volume (PEPE): 16.57 trillion

- 24h Volume (USDT): 197.25 million

Recent Performance:

- Today's Performance: +1.35%

- 7 Days Performance: -1.96%

- 30 Days Performance: +18.68%

- 90 Days Performance:+51.26%

- 180 Days Performance: +809.85%

- 1 Year Performance: +1,138.14%

$PEPE Technical Indicators:

- Volume SMA 9: The volume moving average indicates a significant trading activity with a volume of 194.62 trillion, suggesting strong market interest and liquidity.

- Order Book:

- Bid Dominance: 51.18%

- Ask Dominance: 48.82%

- The order book shows a balanced market with slightly more buyers than sellers, indicating potential upward pressure on the price.

Price Movement:

- The recent price trend shows a series of red candles, indicating a bearish trend over the past few weeks. However, the slight increase today could signal the beginning of a potential reversal or consolidation phase.

- Support Levels: The current support seems to be around $0.00001144, which is the recent low.

- Resistance Levels: The immediate Résistance is at $0.00001229, the recent high.


$PEPE Coin has shown impressive long-term growth, with over 1,138.14% increase in the past year. Despite the recent bearish trend, the coin is holding a critical support level and showing signs of recovery. The balanced order book and high trading volume suggest that the coin is still attracting significant interest. Investors should watch for a breakout above $0.00001229 for confirmation of a bullish reversal.

Disclaimer: This analysis is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct your own research before making any investment decisions.

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