[2024.6.16 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

Ether has the positive support of ETF. The night before yesterday, it rebounded quickly after hitting the weekly support. Compared with the strong rebound of Bitcoin, many people are optimistic about the future market. If there is another opportunity to hit the weekly support, the spot can be built in batches. After the ETF is passed, it is expected that there will be a good rise. The copycat can pay attention to the Ethereum series of currencies! #以太ETF批准预期

Today's market analysis:

$BTC was sideways for a day yesterday. The analysis given in the early morning was that it would rebound if it did not fall below the small level of 66080. It would rise strongly only if it stood above 66450. Now looking back at the market, the rebound was too weak and it has been fluctuating sideways between 66080 and 66300.

Today, Bitcoin will continue to pay attention to the position of 66080. If the 4-hour closing line today does not stand at this position, the market below the 4-hour level will turn bearish. Pay attention to the support level below 65550-65060-64650.

If you want to go up today, you must trade sideways above 66080 and then break through the 4-hour level of 66450, which is the sideways zone pressure level, to have a strong rise. Otherwise, the 4-hour market will continue to fluctuate sideways. If you break through 66450, pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 67100-67575! #BTC走势预测

$ETH In the early morning, it was said that only when it stood firmly above 3575, the market would continue to rise. After rushing several times in the early morning, it could not go up near this position and then began to pull back at a small level.

Today, the small-level pullback of Ethereum pays attention to the position below 3515. As long as the pullback today does not fall below this position, it will continue to rise after stepping back. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 3575-3610-3640

If the small-level pullback today falls below 3515, then the 4-hour pullback will start, and the support level below will pay attention to the positions near 3485-3453-3418! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥