At present, the market is basically not very volatile. Bitcoin is currently in a sideways phase. Ethereum is completely independent. The reason for Ethereum's independence is that the ETH spot announced on July 2 is likely to pass in advance. However, even if you know it will pass, it is impossible to directly pull it to 4,000. There will definitely be many washes in the middle. After all, the dealer will not let everyone pick up money, right? So I personally feel that there is a high probability that ETH may retreat to the 3,000-3,200 range, and then slowly pull it to 4,000. As for the contract, you can find key points to open orders, and the profit and loss ratio is very cost-effective. For example, ETH can place long orders at points such as 3528 3508 3488 3468 3438. Stop loss 5-10 points trial and error. Stop profit can be set at 20-30 points

#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #非农就业人数高于预期