If you don't have children, will you really be miserable when you get old?

35 to 45, very comfortable. No pressure from children, plenty of money and time.

45 to 55, comfortable. Although many friends gradually lose contact, they need to take care of their children while you don't. The circles you mix in are gradually different. But you can still travel and have fun. You don't need to watch your children do their homework.

55 to 65, so-so. Your parents are getting old and need to be taken care of, and other people's children have grown up and go to college and don't need to be watched. Occasionally, when you see other people's children who have no future, you feel lucky that you don't have such a bad thing, but you envy the children of other people who have future when they come back with laughter.

65 to 75, very unhappy. Parents are likely to die, and friends have not been in contact for a long time. The body is still OK, but I feel more and more out of touch with society, and I don't know how to use new things that appear in society. The mind is gradually unclear, and no one asks. Every time I do something, I have to ask for help, and I will ask again next time.

75 to 85. Extremely unhappy. The body is gradually failing, so I will sell my property and go to a nursing home. I feel like the caregiver is not treating me well. It’s useless to complain several times. I will receive a bunch of bills at the end of the month and I don’t know what they are. I am a little panicked as my money is going out faster and faster.

85 to 95. Sad. Just bear with it. . That’s it.

105 years old. . Occasionally I wake up and realize how I am still alive, no. ...