Since March, a sector has emerged, and its benefit effect is hundreds of times stronger than that of inscriptions!

Since the end of March and the beginning of April, except for ORDI, the other inscriptions have basically reached new lows!

But the leader of this sector has directly increased by 20 times +

This sector is the rune sector, and the leader must be DOG

The current total market value of the rune sector is 1.86 billion US dollars

The market value of DOG is 675 million US dollars, and there is still a huge space for this market value in front of ORDI. This coin can be tracked continuously. After all, Fidelity’s YouTube has started to introduce runes in videos today!

COOK, a new rune, can be tracked continuously. The current price is 0.012 US dollars, and the market value is only 10 million US dollars!

The popularity is not bad. If it can reach 100-200 million US dollars, it will be 10-20 times the expectation!


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