$1000SATS How much further can this coin fall? It can only scare those who don't have spare money to invest and those who don't understand the underlying logic. This is a coin without a banker, only big investors. How much can big investors without a pattern smash down? How many coins do they have in their hands? This coin is so popular and strong in all aspects. Now it has fallen so sharply. It is nothing more than too many chips at the bottom. Many people cash out and leave because they don't see much increase. And the big investors who want to manipulate this coin want to scare away a group of leeks so that they can harvest at a low price. Why does Musk dare to take over Dogecoin? Isn't it because it has no owner? Therefore, there are too many possibilities for ownerless currencies. Unlike coins with bankers, they can only rely on the financing ability of the banker. If not, then no one dares to take over this coin. Anyway, the same sentence, if you are optimistic about it, you own it. If you are not optimistic, just abandon it. #币安合约锦标赛