According to Foresight News, BeWater announced the 10 winning projects of the "BeWater AI Crypto Hackathon": the first prize was won by GatlingX; the winning projects of the "Al Infrastructure and Performance Track" include the GPU EVM project GatlingX, the decentralized computing layer Atoma Network that can verify AI reasoning and privacy, and the multi-model machine learning infrastructure RPS AI that supports reliable and accurate AI Agents; the winning projects of the "Agents/Dapp Track" include DeAgent.AI for building a fully intelligent blockchain system, Xderp, a decentralized AI agent evaluation protocol based on prediction markets, and the decentralized AGI project Metagent; the winning projects of the "Tokenized AI and Incentive Layer Track" include the small language model (SLMs) network Assisterr; the winning projects of the "Security and Privacy Track" include the privacy computing AI model ecosystem 2PM.Network, and the autonomous cloud Apocryph for autonomous entities.

The bounties for other tracks include: the project that received the Galadriel bounty is the AI ​​DApp Proof of Prompt based on Galadriel, the project that received the AO bounty is the DApp DecentraMind based on ArweaveAO, and the project that received the Neo bounty is Assisterr.