Position the current currency circle. Don't listen to anyone. Is it the early, middle, or late stage of the bull market, or the early, middle, or late stage of the bear market! ! ! !

If you think it is the early stage of the bull market, you will start to slowly lay out. If you think it is the middle stage of the bull market, you will start to slowly leave the market. If you think it is the end of the bull market, then you will start to contact various Us, or various staking and mining k with free losses to arbitrage!

If you think it is the early stage of the bear market, then you should be prepared for a big drop, wait for empty positions, or wait for a small empty position when waiting for bad news. If you think it is the middle stage of the bear market, then you can start to study which projects have not been issued yet or have potential to interact, brush points, and bet on a better future! If you think it is the end of the bear market, then you can go out, travel and enjoy life, wait for the market to get better, and then come back to buy super cheap pie at the bottom! ! !

Third, you need to be prepared: some newbies may ask here, what to prepare? What do you think you need to prepare for a big market or big move in the currency circle? Prepare U! ! ! ! A good cook cannot cook without rice! Whether you think it is a bull market or a bear market, since you have not quit the circle and are still paying attention to the group message, or you can still see this article, then you should prepare USDT! Either adjust the position and change the currency, or continue to recharge! Don't miss any opportunity of a big rise or fall in the currency circle. Whether it is a big rise or a big fall, there will definitely be a large number of people who get rich overnight. Why can't that person be you? ?

Maybe you were not prepared before, but now you are called to prepare in advance! If you haven't caught it yet, then that's your problem! Successful people share experiences, and unsuccessful people will only make excuses!

The fourth is choice: choice is greater than hard work. Choosing a high-quality track in the currency circle will save you a lot of detours! No matter what currency you buy or what track you buy, there must be reasons and reasons for you to be optimistic. Everything is possible in the currency circle. It's not that the currency will not pull the market, but the time has not come yet!

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