! ! ! Breaking news! ! !



- On June 15, the spot price of precious metals rose, with the gold T+D price at 550.75 yuan/gram, up 1.06%; the spot price of London gold was 2332.30 US dollars/ounce, up 1.31%.

- China has taken a series of measures to internationalize the RMB, including promoting the digital RMB and promoting the use of RMB settlement for international trade in commodities such as oil.

- China announced that countries that accept RMB as the settlement currency for oil can exchange oil for gold at the Shanghai Gold Exchange. This policy has attracted international attention and is considered an important measure for China to "de-dollarize".

- The Saudi-US petrodollar agreement expires, and Saudi Arabia may not renew it, which may have a significant impact on global financial markets.

- Countries' attitudes and policy adjustments toward the US dollar reflect changes in the global economic landscape and challenges to the hegemony of the US dollar.

The above information is as of June 15, 2024. For more information about gold and related markets, it is recommended to pay attention to reports from financial media and professional institutions. At the same time, investment decisions should be based on sufficient market research and risk assessment.

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