In the cryptocurrency world, opportunities to get rich quickly seem to be everywhere.

Altcoins, swing trading, short-term trading, DeFi, GameFi, NFT, contract trading... These seemingly attractive opportunities are actually full of traps.

Many people are attracted by stories of getting rich quickly and blindly follow the trend to buy the skyrocketing altcoins, but they become "leeks" and are ruthlessly harvested by the sickle.

Some people say: "How come I made ten times the money!"

Such voices are often short-lived. Almost all those who make money from altcoins by luck will eventually lose it by their own strength.

Don't believe it? Go and look at the K-line trends of those altcoins, they will tell you the truth.

Some people will say: "After I made money, I sold it and didn't move." It sounds good, but it is even more difficult to operate in practice.

If you sell it after making a little money and never touch the cryptocurrency world again, you can make this little profit after holding Bitcoin for a period of time. And if you want to make more money after making money, you may end up losing everything.

In recent years, emerging concepts such as DeFi, GameFi, and NFT have emerged one after another.

Although there are many innovations, these are high-risk areas and are not suitable for newcomers and people with less capital to participate.

Blindly following these new concepts is likely to end in losses.

There are so many strong currencies, how should you choose? Click on my avatar, check Kanzhuye, join the team, and share the screening skills of high-quality currencies!

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