Last night, when the big cake was approaching midnight, the airdrop began to exert its strength and went out of a one-sided wave, from 67300 to the low of 65072, and walked out of the decline space of nearly 2300 points; then the market finally did not break below the 65000 mark, and after being blocked at this position, it rebounded with considerable space, and the highest rebound reached around 66600. It just likes to make trouble at night, even on weekends, and the floating space has reached almost 4000 points; the market of the concubine in recent days has not deviated too much from the big brother big cake, and has basically given the same direction in the general direction. If the market with this degree of volatility is well grasped, it is only a drizzle to make a profit of more than a thousand points.

Regarding the current market, in the short term, from the hourly level, the market has fallen directly below the lower track to run; then after bottoming out and rebounding below, it has touched the middle track but failed to cause a considerable position. At present, the market is running slowly around 66000. Although the market has recovered, the short-term trend direction is still in a strong downward trend. When the strong and weak market changes, this kind of fast-moving market is also one of the characteristics; and the hourly level boll opens downward, and after the continuous upward movement, the real positive column closes the upper shadow line, and the market is under obvious pressure. In view of the fact that the two-day market will still be mainly repaired over the weekend, I still treat it with the idea of ​​empty. The short-term layout within the range is shorting on highs and long on lows. The specific points are given in the real market.

Big cake: 66200-66700 箜, look at 65000

Aunt: 3480-3500 箜, look at 3430#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #非农就业人数高于预期 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 $BTC $ETH $BNB