According to Odaily, the Bitcoin L2 expansion network, Stacks, experienced a severe interruption on Friday, halting block production for nearly nine hours. This incident was attributed to a Bitcoin reorganization and 'unexpected miner behavior', which led to a 12% drop in STX prices on the day. The 'unexpected miner behavior' could refer to miners not updating their software or effectively coordinating to deal with the Bitcoin reorganization, resulting in a delay in block production and implying technical or operational issues among miners. Developers are also continuing to monitor miner activity to prevent similar interruptions in the future.

Stacks co-founder Muneeb Ali pointed out that the upcoming Nakamoto upgrade, which focuses on a new consensus mechanism, aims to eliminate the possibility of forks and mitigate the impact of Bitcoin reorganization. The Nakamoto upgrade was originally expected to be launched at the end of spring, but due to severe potential issues that could not be resolved in subsequent updates, it was postponed at the last minute and is now planned for launch in August.