As the saying goes, if flowers bloom, butterflies will come. The market trend of the white plate of the day is not obvious. On the whole, it maintains a narrow range of tug-of-war. Throughout the day, I also reminded at different times to hold the Kongdan in my hand and wait for the market to move out; as expected, there is no need to say anything like "words follow deeds". Time will prove many things. It is now midnight. The market has finally gone through a small unilateral trend. The big cake successfully broke through 66,000 and ran. The short-term downward floating space reached more than 1,000 points. Ethereum also followed the big brother big cake and gave more than 100 points to rush directly to the 3,400 mark. The Kongdan that arranged friends to distribute oranges for a day finally got an effective response, and before the rest, it was also able to take the power and leave the factory easily. The big cake and concubine Kongdan given during the day successfully took 1145+79 points of space and exited after the market went out; the real-time tips given during the day are also vivid and can be verified. Putting aside friends who operate short-term, how can you hold on to the orders in your hands after the market goes out in this market?

After a day of tug-of-war correction, the market has moved to the lower level at midnight. From the hourly level, it has now moved out of the continuous negative pattern, causing the market to completely break the lower track and run. After the expansion of the Bollinger band, it is very obvious that it opens downward; friends who pay attention to me should know that I have been mainly shorting in the past week, and have not repeatedly jumped out due to short-term changes. This just shows that the control of the general direction is still relatively safe. At present, the market has once again stepped out of the downward trend. After the strength is exhausted, there should be another wave of correction. Given that it is another two-day weekend, the market should not have any space. In this case, I personally still arrange the rebound short Silk Road in the short term.

Big cake: 65500-66000 short, see 64600

Auntie: 3410-3435 short, see 3350#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #美国5月CPI超预期回落 #非农就业人数高于预期 $BTC $ETH $BNB