BTC market interpretation: Holding 66,000 in the early morning today is a success! Recommended reading: ★★★

Compared with yesterday, update the support point and mark the daily 66,000-68,600 oscillation range.

The daily resistance is corrected to 68,600 today, and the support is still 66,000 in the short term. If it falls below this position, it will be 63,500.

The green in the figure is the oscillating and falling channel. Pay attention to the yellow horizontal line resistance during the rebound. Only when it breaks through can it see a higher increase again, otherwise it will still fall under the resistance.

Note that there is a 67,200 resistance in the short-term rebound resistance in 4 hours. If the rebound at this position is still blocked in the short term, the oscillation range will naturally shrink to the 66,000-67,200 range.

In a word, from today to 6 am, if you hold 66,000, there will be a chance for weekend cottages. If you can't stand it, it will be suspended between 66,000-63,500, and weekend cottages may still be more troublesome.

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