❓ 5 Questions for @yawn_rong - Round 5 Ask your #STEPNGO question below this post for the next round! ✏️ Q1: Will the tickets from one round automatically transfer to the next round, or are they just valid for one round, requiring me to buy new tickets for each round? A: Tickets are valid for ONE round only, plus the extra round. Q2: If someone joins STEPN GO as a Guest, can they buy new Sneakers from the marketplace anytime afterward? A: Anyone who joins STEPN GO and is not an Alpha Tester MUST bind with a Haus from the Alpha Testers. Neither Host nor Guest can break free from the binding until the time expires (2 to 4 weeks). ONLY after this, can the Guest get Sneakers and start independently. Q3: What are the benefits of inviting a Buddy in The Haus feature of STEPN? A: Your Buddy will have the benefit of starting STEPN GO at no cost 😂 Q4: How many Sneakers will be distributed before the Beta testing? A: We estimate to release around 7,000 Sneakers: 1/ 6,000 Sneakers to 2,000 Alpha Prize winners; 2/ 1,000 Sneakers raffled in Discord and X. Q5: Are there plans for STEPN and STEPN GO to interact with each other? A: Currently, there is no plan for the two to interact. 👉 Learn more about STEPN GO at