Putin wants to link the Ruble with Gold, 5,000 Rubles to exchange 1 gram of Gold. This is okay for 1 or 2 months, but if it lasts long, Russia will definitely not be able to withstand it, because if it uses Gold, it can stabilize the currency. The collapse of Bretton Woods would not have happened.

After World War II, the Bretton Woods system was established, at that time the currency was collateralized with Gold, 35 US dollars exchanged 1 Ounce of Gold, but currently 1 Ounce of Gold is more than 2,000 US dollars.

In the 1970s after the war, the economies of many countries recovered, so the need to exchange goods was extremely large, so the amount of money printed was not enough, because if printed, it had to be printed. There is Gold, but Gold is limited.

That's why Goods are increasing day by day, Money is less, and Deflation appears, making Goods cheaper than Money.

People only need to keep money, the longer they can buy goods, this puts the economy at risk of collapse, that is why the Gold standard mechanism needs to be quickly abolished and a new mechanism established, in addition to the standard anchor. Gold also depends on the amount of goods produced.

So we have a problem, Money is 100%, while gold, oil, and commodities are % of that 100%.

Clearly we see that the percentage of Gold that accounts for very little increases very little, while the percentage of goods continuously increases very high according to economic development, so Gold has always had a price and increase since then. forever.

The more the economy develops and the more goods there are, the more valuable Gold is, because Money will have to increase with the goods.

Regarding the Russian Ruble or the BRICS currency backed by Gold, we will see an interesting problem later.

- In the short term, that currency can support Gold, but in the long term it is tiring.


- Because the Russian Ruble guarantees gold, so it has a price, in the short term countries' currencies will be exchanged for Russian currency, Russia will attract an amount of dollars or EU.

- But the problem will occur if America or other countries continuously print money, to exchange Russian money, and from there exchange it back to Gold for reserves.......guess, what can endure 🤣🤣

This knowledge is valuable and interesting, right? Let's show you how beneficial macro-vision knowledge is in life. With it, you will be confident and become the focus in discussions and conversations.

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