Today I read an article from iotex_io#DePIN The report talks about the modularization of DEPIN in the future, which is very interesting. I think the modularization of DEPIN is much more interesting than the modularization of blockchain. Hardware manufacturers, infrastructure builders, application builders, users. 4 stakeholders.

It is divided into 9 modules: hardware + connection solution (Bluetooth or MQTT, etc.) + sorting controller + data availability + storage + off-chain computing + blockchain + identity DID + governance, which constitute all the components of DEPIN.

At present, there are a large number of entrepreneurs innovating in various modules. I believe that in the future, it will be easy and fast to use. As shown in the figure below, I found that there is only one P2P data transmission module, #DATA, which I have mentioned many times in previous articles.

In a list of investment institutions, we found that Multicoin basically occupies half of the market, and the projects invested by Multicoin + A16Z together have greater potential. What is amazing this time is that#Nearand#Eigenare both assigned to the DEPIN track, which should be closely related to their DA plan.

The report also highlights the following projects for reference:
Aethir @AethirCloud builds distributed GPU-based computing infrastructure for enterprise use cases. Aethir makes it easier for GPU infrastructure providers to scale and for buyers to access GPUs around the world.

ATOR @atorprotocol is building the largest global anonymous routing ecosystem, leveraging decentralized privacy protocols, on-chain incentives, and signing hardware to rapidly scale the network.

DATS @DATSProject conducts cybersecurity audits using hacker-inspired strategies and distributed high-performance computing (D-HPC) to improve Web3 security and defend against sophisticated cyber threats.

DIMO @DIMO_Network is an open and user-controllable IoT protocol and network. It connects drivers, developers and manufacturers on a shared network, sharing status, development tools, payment channels, etc.

dTelecom @dTel_org is a decentralized real-time communication (RTC) that allows anyone to contribute idle bandwidth through $DTEL tokens and get rewarded. It provides cost-effective RTC resources for customers' applications to add audio/video/chat solutions without the additional overhead of traditional on-premises and cloud solutions.

HNT @helium is a decentralized, blockchain-based wireless infrastructure project that allows individuals and organizations to deploy and operate wireless networks through token incentives. It utilizes the Solana blockchain as its foundation. The main token driving the network is HNT, while IOT and MOBILE tokens are used to promote LoRaWAN and 5G networks respectively.

Ketchup Republic @KetchupRepublic uses Proof of Engagement (PoE) to tokenize real-world spaces and actions. It provides basic support for various applications, including local life services, SocialFi, and GameFi, by converting real-world participation into tokenized rewards and incentives.

Network3 @network3_ai is building a dedicated AI L2 for developers around the world that will provide model optimization, compression, federated learning, and confidential computing to enable efficient and scalable AI deployment.

Onocoy @onocoyRTK is building a network of RTK (Real Time Kinematic) stations to provide high-precision positioning for everyone. The Onocoy system is community-owned, borderless, and aims to become an indispensable public utility with global coverage.

Starpower @starpowerworld is pioneering the Internet of Energy, similar to Uber, connecting millions of energy devices around the world to virtual power plants (VPPs), etc., with a market value of more than $100 billion.

Textile @textileio is building Tableland, an open source, permissionless cloud database built on SQLite, and Basin, a scalable subnet for fast and secure data storage, powered by the Filecoin network.

WiHi @WiHiWeather is decentralizing weather monitoring and forecasting, democratizing data access and improving forecast accuracy. Transitioning to a Web3 framework promises to break down barriers and make data collection more efficient, participatory, and conducted on a wider geographic scale.